Jayne Doe

Age: 32
Sin: Envy
Lost thing: Shipwrecked Fork
Face Claim: Katherine McNamara

The Little Mermaid



Ariel is a rebellious 16-year-old mermaid who is fascinated with life on land. On one of her visits to the surface, which are forbidden by her controlling father, King Triton, she falls for a human prince.

Determined to be with her new love, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with the sea witch Ursula to become human for three days. But when plans go awry for the star-crossed lovers, the king must make the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter.

The Little Mermaid II:
Return to the Sea


A year after her marriage to Prince Eric, the two welcomed a little girl, Melody, into the world. They went to introduce her to the merfolk when Ursula's sister Morgana, snatched the baby away. Melody was saved but in order to protect their beloved daughter from the sea witch, Eric and Ariel had to make a difficult decision and forbid Melody in the ocean. They built a wall around the castle and didn't teach their daughter anything about the sea.Unbeknownst to them, Melody had been sneaking out and swimming around. It wasn't until her 12th birthday that she found her grandfathers locket. This cascaded the events of Melody learning about the merfolk and running away. Morgana was there to greet her and give her a wish Melody so desperately wanted; to be a mermaid. Using a little bit of Ursula's magic, she turned the girl into a mermaid but only for three days. If she could only get her hands on the triton, she'd be a mermaid permanently.With the help of two friends Melody just met, Tip (a penguin) and Dash (a walrus), they set out to Atlantica. During this time, Ariel and Eric called upon her father for help. King Triton turned Ariel back into a mermaid in hopes to find her daughter faster while Eric lead the search above the waves. Reuniting with Flounder, the two set off looking for Melody.Melody returned to Morgana after stealing the triton from her grandfather thus learning about her mother being a mermaid. This caused her to go against her mother and hand over the triton to the sea witch revealing her evil nature. Ursula's magic wears off and Melody is forced back into a human who ends up climbing the ice pillar to take the triton away and give back to her grandfather. King Triton was able to freeze Morgana and sending her to the bottom of the ocean.Because of her heroism, King Triton offers her the chance for her to come live with him in Atlantica or stay on land with her parents. Melody chose to instead reunite land and sea by destroying the wall around the castle.


The desire for other people's things.

She knows her name isn't "Jayne" but she can't remember her real name nor can she recall any of her past memories. She's basically trying to get through the day relearning how to do a lot of things. She's discovering who she is little by little.Jayne envies everyone around her. Every single person has a name, memories, knows who they are, can walk and move around with ease. She is confined to her wheel chair after her accident. She has physical therapy but can barely walk with assistance. She'd kill to be able to reach things at the store higher than the second self.

Dental Secretary

After the accident, Jayne was on her own for no one came looking for her to claim her and identify her. Jayne finds a run down place in Dragon's Nest, but sitting around at home all day bothers her. She needed to find out who she was and she thought getting a job was the best idea.Finding a job that didn't require much use of her legs was harder than she thought, until one day she happened across an internet article that talked about medical secretaries. She instantly applied to the doctors around town and got a position at the dental practice.Her job entails her scheduling patients, dealing with insurance and billing, file patients records and charts, and reorders medical equipment. Unfortunately, she isn't always able to reach all the shelves to file all the charts. She's thankful to work along side Vanessa, her best friend, who can help her with that.


  • Eric - husband. (Forgotten about due to amnesia.)

  • Melody - daughter. (Taken from them, also forgotten.)

  • Vanessa - best friend, and husband's girlfriend. (Unbeknownst to her.) Nemeses and Aunt.

  • Killian Jones - good friend.


Ariel had everything she ever wanted. She married her high school sweetheart and had a beautiful daughter. Things were going great up until their daughter was taken. With no leads tension grew at home. Eric and Ariel started to fight at the littlest things. Eventually it became too much and Ariel left during a heated argument. She got in her car and started to drive off.Unfortunately, Ariel was hit by a drunk driver. Her car flipped over, crushing and trapping her inside. Her last thoughts were of her husband and daughter whom she loved very much despite their fight and unable to find before she blacked out. Rescue teams were able to get to her in time before she bled out but because she left in a fit of rage, she forgot her purse and had no identification on her person. No one was contacted.She woke up to beeping and a bright light in her eyes. She had been found and saved, though her spine had been injured which caused her almost no mobility in her legs. There was a possibility of her learning how to walk again with physical therapy. It would take many years to get back to where she once was. The doctors tried to ask her questions but she couldn’t answer a single one of them. Her head had been injured during the tumble causing her hippocampus to not function correctly, blocking all her past memories.Doctors said there could be a chance to regain her memories, however, she would need to be immersed in her old life in hopes to jog back her memory. With no name, no one claiming her as theirs, she was out of luck and would need to start a new life. Unable to remember the name ‘Ariel’ she went with the name she heard the nurses and doctors calling her outside her room, as well as the name that was on her wrist. “Jane Doe.”With the help of a nice nurse, she was able to claim disability and find a rundown apartment to live in. She even came up with the idea to change the spelling of ‘Jane’ so it wouldn’t have the same connotation it did in the medical field.During the time she was in the hospital, a man kept appearing and checking in on her. She eventually learned his name was Killian, he was very kind and talked to her to fill the boring stay. When she got out, he helped her find a place to live in Anchor Ridge, on the first level since she had been put in a wheelchair.She stayed there for a few months before feeling incomplete. Her neighbor suggested a job. It took another few months to find a place that would hire a disabled woman. There she met Vanessa whom she clicked with right away. She was the only friend Jayne had. Killian kept checking in on her and helping her when he can.